Saturday, August 7, 2010

Farewell to EURECA

Hi all, I hope you enjoyed reading my posts for my accomplishments this summer.
I would like to take this time to say a couple of my last thoughts about EURECA.

So, I have been involved in the Pharos robotics team this summer to develop a couple of tasks for our new Proteus platform.
Like I explained in the last post, most of the milestones came together in the last few weeks of the summer when we were able to work with more robots instead of simulation.

I wish, however, that I had a stronger background in the underlying theory so that our algorithm is fortified with the backbones of concrete theory.
Most of the algorithm that we developed this summer was tweaked in order to best fit the goals of Proteus.
It was an ineffably amazing experience though, when the robots started following the lines and avoiding cardboard walls we made!
Participating in hands-on research programs like EURECA is a definite refreshment from the theoretical world that we all enjoy (!?) in school.

Overall, I felt like I opened my vision towards engineering; for those of you that are more stimulated by the hands-on experience, this is a great program for you!
The amount of community in the group was also fantastic, and was exciting to attend the numerous social events that were set up this summer.

Alright, that might explain most of my thoughts. Thanks for reading!

-- Arthur

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